
Monday, February 11, 2019

The Parliament :: essays research papers

The fantan was an elected organization set up by the queen regnant to manage the country to save the fagot the effort.Although officially control by the King, fantan wasincreasing its power so rapidly that by the 1600s it couldno longer be relied on to do what the King wanted. KingCharles 1st came into conflict with his Parliament in 1629when he ordered Parliament to raise taxes and it refused.His response was to abolish Parliament and he ruledParliament on his own for 11 years. However, the peopledidnt support him and he ran short of money so he had toreinstate Parliament in 1640.However, conflict broke out once more in 1642 when Charlestried to pass on 5 members of Parliament arrested who hadbeen actively disagreeing with his policies. The MPs fledinto the rearwards of the streets of London simply when the Kingwent after them, the citizens expelled him angrily from theircity. This was a direct violation by the people of thesupreme power of the King and marked the beginning of the English civilized War.Those English who supported the King (the Cavaliers) hadsupport in north England and Wales and theparliamentarians (Roundheads) had support in the rest ofEngland. Despite the fairly even start, however, theCavaliers were fought back and in 1646 the Roundheadsforced the King to surrender. However, at the cease firenegotiations Charles would non agree to the Roundheadterms and after a stalemate the war erupted again in 1648.Once again the Cavaliers were defeated and this time heRoundheads did not accept a surrender and insteadcaptured the and executed Charles in 1649. England nowhad no King. For the next 11 years was a Republic. It wasruled from 1633 to 1658 by a general named OliverCromwell, who was a fundamental Protestant but anextremely cruel man. He was given the title Lord guardianof the Commonwealth of England, but he had been activein Ireland long forwards he undertook that role.In 1641, just before the Civil War, the Irish of Ulster hadbegun an insurrection and attacked the planters who hadsettled 30 years before. Between 10,000 and 15,000Protestant planters were murdered by the Irish at placessuch as Portadown. Due to the war, the English did cryptographabout this and the death-toll became heavily exaggeratedover time. In 1649, after the Civil War had ended,Cromwell landed at Dublin with 12,000 men with theintention of weighty those who had uprisen. He firstattacked Drogheda and captured it, slaughtering over 3000people. He then marched on Wexford town and massacredseveral hundred people there.

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